Townhouse with the possibility of multi-generational housing
On behalf of: Joint venture with Malmström Edström arkitekter
Our role: Concept
Upcoming projects in Tuve with creative solutions to create a home for the first-time buyer and the family, with or without grandparents.
Development partner, together with Malmström Edström architects’ engineers, has been allocated a property allotment north of the Tuve square with space for 15-20 townhouses.
With a focus on first-time buyers / young families with children, the starting point is a home in the form of a townhouse of just under 100 square meters. The two-storey building can over time be added with a third floor and is therefore prepared through an unfurnished raw attic or expandable terrace.
On the gables of the terraced houses, it is planned to build special variants of the terraced house solution that allow the ground floor to be rented separately or included in the terraced house as a whole. The owner thus gets a flexible landlord solution. It can be e.g. a family who inhabits the upper floors and who rents out the ground floor. This creates the conditions for a so-called generational housing. This is a well-proven tradition from the province Bohuslän’s fishing communities that has proven attractive over time and will continue to be useful in the future.
With a focus on first-time buyers / young families with children, the starting point is a home in the form of a townhouse of just under 100 square meters. The two-storey building can over time be added with a third floor and is therefore prepared for this through an unfurnished raw attic or expandable terrace.
In order to create a reasonable economy for the buyer, energy is invested in creating quality surface-efficient housing and joint resource utilization with functions such as laundry room and bicycle garage.
In addition to flexible and varied housing solutions, great care is also taken around the surrounding living environment and infrastructure. This is based on the insight that, among others, the city engineer in Gothenburg, Albert Lilienberg, had: “It is the space that defines the city”.
För att skapa rimlig ekonomi för köparen läggs energi på att skapa kvalitativa yteffektiva bostäder och gemensamt resursutnyttjande med funktioner som t.ex. tvättstuga och cykelgarage.
Förutom flexibla och varierade bostadslösningar läggs också stor omsorg kring den omgivande boendemiljön och infrastrukturen. Detta baseras på den insikt som bland annat stadsingenjören i Göteborg, Albert Lilienberg, hade: ”Det är mellanrummet som definierar staden”.