We are development partner

Starting with identifying developable projects, we work all along the value chain, from planning through construction, in roles such as project leader, project manager, and consulting advisor. By positioning ourselves as an independent partner, we are able to remain focused on the end goal throughout the entire process.

We also develop our own projects and participate as invested partners in joint ventures.


Our mission provides answers to what, why, and for whom:

As an independent partner we develop land and property projects that contribute to both a higher quality of life and a more sustainable, sensible society.

Core values

All of our work is based on good judgment and deliberately chosen values:

Simplicity: we don’t make it more complicated than necessary.
Problems and challenges are extremely prevalent in the world we live in. As a counterweight to this complexity, we choose to minimize the complications and instead take a solutions-oriented, open, and positive attitude. A straightforward, open, and simple approach is beneficial to us as a project team and in our relationships with clients and collaborative partners. Misunderstandings and problems are cleared up early and replaced by respect, motivation, and productivity. Our ability to minimize complications and problems contributes to better results for all, and at the same time strengthens our role as the developing partner.

Generosity: we like to share.
Generosity has been in our DNA right from the start. Our company name describes our ambition to be the most developing player in the industry. To succeed in that ambition, we have to be and remain generous in so many ways—toward one another as colleagues, toward our collaborative partners and clients, and toward our industry and the surrounding world. In the context of our work, sharing means being approachable and humble. We’re open and friendly, willing to share our knowledge and experience. Because that’s the only way for us to really be seen as a true “development partner.”  Our generous corporate culture allows us to create a joyful, inclusive, and casual workplace, which is very important to us.

Holistic view: we leave no stone unturned.
Our business is built on seeing and visualizing things that do not yet exist. In order to optimize our projects and realize our objectives, we take a comprehensive, holistic view. That makes us unique, and it’s part of our raison d’être. We leave no stone unturned to envision and ultimately create something new and desirable. But leaving no stone unturned means more than just logistical solutions, urban planning, and floor area ratios. It’s about seeing the potential in one another and in the project as a whole. We give one another space and respect our differences. That gives our team and those we work with perspective on how we can collaborate, respectfully and humbly, with clients, authorities, and project partners.


Development Partner, under the formal corporate name Development Partner 09 AB, was founded in 2009. The principal owners are Martin Anderberg, Mikael Fjällglim, Yngve Karlsson, and eight other co-workers who are part owners. All of the part owners sit on the board of directors, and co-workers who have not yet become part owners attend its meetings as adjunct members. All of our employees are given the opportunity to become part owners.
The company is based in Gothenburg, where we have a staff of twelve.